Thursday, November 2, 2017

The FBI, Data Protection, and Cat Protection.

Bad boys, Bad boys, watcha' gonna do? Watcha' gonna do when your IP address comes for you, Saloor Alim, you CRIMINAL CYBERSTALKER!!?? AKA Freaking Judge!! I cannot wait to show "PROBABLE" CAUSE at the hearing!!!!!

Is this real life to have the judge of your case freaking stalking you online after you filed a motion telling him you've busted him on OBSTRUCTION? (among other things). I guess civil immunity doesn't extend to federal, felony, offenses and stuff like that, huh? It got you on "tilt" didn't it, COATES aka Saloor Alim? 

Remember when I told you to CEASE AND DESIST multiple, multiple times online and you just kept cyberstalking away? Yeah, me too. It's all been recorded and captured, "Judge."

(Remember the good old days, "Saloor Alim," Cyberstalker!??)

Um, yeah, your "digital footprint" is coming back to haunt you in a major, major, major way. Big heart, wink wink, thumbs up Saloor Alim aka JUDGE COATES!!!

Hmm, are you worried that you have been POSITIVELY ID'd?? I might just make you sweat this one out. Big heart, wink wink ;) 

I hear ya' brother:

Ok ok ok. But I swear this time. I have 2 therapy-cats. Max!! But I need them!! You can have your stupid therapy-cat search warrant!! The cats! The cats stay with me! They go where I go!! Unhand that cat!!

Asking the Southern District of New York about therapy-cats in jail. Paging Preet, oh wait, he's not there anymore. Damn, he was good. Our walls are crumbling. That's for sure. He would have investigated the hell out of the "15th Circuit of Dante's Inferno of No Evidence Allowed." Maybe he can act as a consultant for me then? I wonder if SDNY has any good case law to pull from or insights into the matter of therapy-cats in jail for contempt of court for protecting the DOJ and FBI and fighting the good fight (for them). 

Why do I feel like a district like the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach just wouldn't fly in Manhattan? It doesn't pass the smell test. "No evidence allowed, no lawyers allowed, no jury's allowed. Sit down, shut up, listen to the biased school principles (who are all buddy-buddy with each other) and their rules rules rules rules of Civil Procedure. We are obsessed with rules rules rules. We don't care about the actual content. We're just looking out for our little pals on the inside. You sit down, shut up, do as your told. Don't you dare talk back to the principle. Can't you read. NO EVIDENCE ALLOWED. Abandon all hope ye' who enter here! I've only been once, but I can say with absolute, positive, certainty (based on an overwhelming abundance of evidence and facts) that it definitely had a very strong hint of Nazi Germany cologne reeking from the place. Ugh, putrid smell test. Toss that evidence out, I'm the KING OF THE COURT, I RULE WITH IMPUNITY DUE TO MY JUDICIAL IMMUNITY!! HAHAHA!!!! GET HIM BUDDY BOY, THROW HIM IN THE SLAMMER!!

They're a couple of Mig Fighters in there. Can someone alert the Navy that we need a few F-35, Stealth American Jets, to do a flyover and see what in the hell is going on over there!?

David, what are you most proud of in your life?

(Death bed thoughts one day)...Well, I might have to say it was standing up to public corruption, entrenched interests, fraud, and a judicial circuit with no juries, a "no evidence allowed" signed on the door when you walk in, a "no lawyers allowed sign" on the door when you walk in (you'll have a matter of hours after getting served to appear in court in a different city, by the way), and then showing cause for having been stalked by the judge, under the pseudonym Saloor Alim (please find the IP addresses...oh wait, my bad, forgot to read the "no evidence allowed sign" when walking in, and standing up for the number 1 priority of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, while simultaneously protecting the FBI / DOJ (sometimes I question why, but still, I do),  and then in a North-Korean-esque Gulag style "hearing" in front of Judge Goodman, a freaking friend and colleague of Judge Coates, this seems fair? (obviously), woops didn't see the hush hush "no jury" sign. Anyway, probably most proud of standing up for the United States of America, because the FBI is absolutely right, this is a fundamental matter of National Security. 

If these walls fall (below), so does America. Oh wait, they've already fallen. The freaking, gigantic, 2 thousand year-old Roman Empire fell. We are not infallible. My book will have it all that I'll necessarily be writing from my misdemeanor jail stint for standing up to the special interests and corruption and fraud and pubic corruption and national security matters, and for America. 

These walls, these pillars, have absolutely, positively crumbled. I have overwhelming proof. But proof doesn't really matter at the 15th Judicial Circuit,  (I have proof of that too, but again, this is circular reasoning with my silly "proof theorems"). Maybe I should just hop on the corruption chain, because these walls below, these pillars, this foundation of doesn't really exist. Trust me, I have proof. But proof isn't admissible at the 15th Judicial Circuit. I have proof. Ugh, circular reasoning again.  

I'm still waiting for the DOJ to get back to me on the matter of my therapy-cat:

Don't be fooled, this is a mirage. I've seen the "dark side"...the 15th Circuit of Dante's Inferno, Palm Beach, Circuit. 

Fat boy. Maybe he can lose weight in jail for fighting against public corruption and fighting for the United States Supreme Court (those walls have crumbled, my bad, forgot again). Tell your story walking, Charlie.  

We. Have. Lost.

(Music plays) "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows my sorrow..."

?? Maybe I'll be like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank or something??

?? Maybe it might toughen me up a bit a good 6 months for standing up against corruption and fighting the power??

?? Imagine if people stood up to the power in Nazi Germany ??

Asking the DOJ their opinion on the matter of a therapy-cat...


DOJ: Visitor. Escort required. ALSO** Can you bring your therapy-cat to jail?

Does anyone know the rules on bringing a therapy cat to jail on a misdemeanor contempt charge? How long is that? 6-12 months? I mean, I guess I could really really really "show cause," which I'll have to discuss the appropriateness with counsel regarding. Here's the thing, I'm not going to interfere with matters of our national security. Period. I'm just not. If I sense that anything could even come close, I'd rather just take a misdemeanor for the team and then (once again) appeal it to the Fourth, I guess, or however all that works? I don't know anymore. This is all exhausting. I've just wanted this all to go away for a long time, but this wasn't my doing. I dropped criminal charges against the petitioners on July 8th. I was done. Gone. 

You would have to waterboard me before I, in any way, put our national security at risk. There are things I know. Period. Proprietary type "stuff." Legitimately. There just are. There's no getting around that. If I have to get hit on a misdemeanor to protect the FBI / DOJ (story of my f-ing life, trust me), then so be it. It's a "thankless job," let me tell you. I could write a book. Maybe I'll use my 6-12 months to write a book. A really, really, really good book. What about all that stuff I told the police about needing to protect highly sensitive, federal, national security related matters et al. and / or etc.? Hmm, definitely going to need to retain counsel on this misdemeanor business. Out of my league, for sure. Do you think Jayne Weintraub could help me cop a plea or would that constitute a conflict? She's really very good. 

Via the 15th Judicial Circuit computers:

Ugh, me and my silly protecting highly sensitive, federally privileged information. So "paranoid" of me or something, right? Uh huh:

Maybe they'll let me keep my therapy cat? Otherwise, can I get any volunteers to look out for him while I'm gone. Preferably in America and not my fans and avid blog readers in South Korea / Ukraine (though I really appreciate your support and readership?). Not particularly sure why you're following the blog, but hey, as they say "there's no such thing as bad publicity" or "blog readers" I guess? I don't know. 

Anyway, I'll make sure to buy a large supply of kitty litter and cat food while I'm gone and writing my book or whatever. Hopefully I avoid jail, but "hoping" and praying doesn't really do much. The 15th Judicial Circuit isn't a fan of having a jury around or of taking into account your evidence or having unbiased judges or anything like that...I mean the evidence I have is ridiculously overwhelming, but who is even going to see it you know? No evidence. No jury. No nada. No therapy cat? I'd love to take my cat. I can definitely get him cleared for therapy purposes I feel, just not sure what the rules are on that? I've seen documentaries where there are cats in jail and stuff. I'm guessing those are stray "jail cats" or something? Anyway, hopefully I don't find out. 

Maybe this whole "National Freaking Security" business and "Saloor Alim" will help towards showing cause. Anyway, a good lawyer would know. Definitely time to start finding one, I feel. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

HMM...interesting legal question.

I wonder if I can get more granular than this picture and show the IP addresses as part of showing cause or if that would interfere with the investigation / takedown? Might have to check on that or have counsel make that determination. I'm certainly not one to interfere in a takedown operation. 

On a side note, I'm "big" in South Korea. Not really sure what the correlation is there, but they're definitely fans. Ukraine is also coming in strong on the page views. Again, go figure. I mean, if someone could figure out the South Korea / Ukraine connection, now that I'd be interested in knowing. The other "stuff" is easy and easily known. Ukraine? South Korea? Those aren't the first places a VPN or proxy or something is going to bounce you off of via some shared network or otherwise. Interesting.



Due to a new wrinkle, I now need to request an extension of time to retain counsel for a related matter at the lower "court," so I will necessarily be requesting an extension of time at the appellate court and explain to them the intense, severe, threats I've been under by Judge Coates, operating under the pseudonym "Saloor Alim" and his baiting, taunting, and entrapment issues in trying to lure me into a misdemeanor case of contempt. 

I will also see if the counsel can handle both the official, appellate brief, and the order to show cause regarding the contempt charges and why I've been positively apoplectic and under extreme duress, distress, and coercion (which I made sure to notate on each motion at the lower tribunal, due to the cyberstalking by a freaking "judge") and due to the intense Public Corruption (which, per the FBI is a fundamental threat to our NATIONAL SECURITY...and I'd wholeheartedly agree). 

Hopefully the Honorable Fourth District Court of Appeal grants me the extension of time on the appellate brief so that I may actually have time to retain counsel this time, unlike the first go around where I was blatantly denied any sort or rights despite my very explicit and implicit protests both at the hearing and as part of the "trial" record at the 15th Judicial Circuit under Corrupt Coates. 

God help me and God bless our great Nation. 

Google v. Corrupt Coates

LET'S START TO FLOOD THE INTERNET!! Thanks to the only smart, wise, sophisticated, composed, player so far: UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFF SESSIONS. I salute your wisdom, good Sir. I salute you and our great country, Sir. You've been the only "adult" in the room, though you're not quite in the room (yet, at least). Let's spread like wildfire.

Work, work, work, work, work, work
You see me I be work, work, work, work, work, work
You see me do me dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt
There's something 'bout that work, work, work, work, work, work
When you a gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Me na care if me tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired - Rihanna



CRIMINAL MINDS: So, are they married or not?? Hmmm:

MR. SCOTT SALE (Attorney): Your Honor, there are two

separate hearings today against the same Respondent.

They are a couple. He took out one,  they are not married



Q: Well, what's he claiming that you did?

A: Well, Your Honor, he's--in his head he thinks

that I'm doing something improper. My wife is a realtor,

and I sometimes, you know, I assist her in real estate,

and he thinks that's improper. It's not, but he believes it is and 

he's threatened me with it.

Just because he-- you know, so I don't--I mean, I don't--

that's my belief, but you know, I mean, look, 

I don't want to have prosecutors coming after me or be--

I don't want to be threatened with prison. 

I don't want an investigation.

Q: [Interposing] What specific threats? Specific

threats, not general stuff. Specific threats that he's

going to do harm to you or to your--is Ms. August your fiancé, 

girlfriend, or whatever?

A: Yes. Yes.


COMING SOON: They needed a man on the inside. They had one in COATES. 


Here's the deal, folks. Who the hell is worried about prosecutors, investigations, and prison except for people that have a freaking reason to be worried about prosecutors coming after them, prison, and investigators!? 

I mean, I'm certainly not worried about an investigation or prosecutors. In fact, I pretty much email prosecutors almost every day (trust me, they're probably sick of it). I've invited the FBI and the police over to my apartment (true story). I mean, I'm not exactly Martha Stuart over here so I couldn't exactly bake them a cake or anything. I could probably run to the store and pick up a 6-pack or something, but something tells me they couldn't have a drink on the job. So, I guess maybe a bottle of water might suffice?

They wouldn't even need a search warrant. I'll save you the trouble. If they want the keys to my apartment, my car keys, the encryption keys to my email,'s all theirs. I have a permanent litigation hold on pretty much everything I do. Why? Because I'm not freaking worried and am not exactly losing sleep about an investigation!?? I'm trying my hardest to spur some action around here regarding the FBI's TOP CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE PRIORITY AND A FUNDAMENTAL NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT (PER THE FBI WEBSITE). 

I mean, let's take a few public figures as an example. Let's take the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and let's also take the Chief Judge of the 15th Judicial Circuit, the Honorable Judge Krista Marx. Let me tell you, if you go around threatening to prosecute Judge Marx or Attorney General Bondi, well (and I'm speculating here) something tells me that they wouldn't exactly be worried about it or lose any sleep over it. Same with me. You're only worried about investigators and prosecutors if you have a reason to be worried. Or why don't you try threatening State Attorney Dave Aronberg with prison and prosecutors and watch him burst out laughing and order an investigation and some prosecutors to "pay you a visit" or something?

In fact, I'd also advise that if you're going to threaten either Attorney General Bondi or Chief Judge Marx or State Attorney Aronberg with prison, prosecutors, and investigations, um, better really know what you're talking about or something, because I'm thinking that not only would they not be too worried about it whatsoever, but that YOU better start getting really worried about prosecutors, investigators, and prison and that it might be time to hop on the phone and start frantically dialing for a good defense attorney, because you're going to need it. You are only scared if you have a reason to be scared. 

Go take a random person on the street that's simply walking by, maybe with their significant other, holding hands, enjoying the day, and ask them, "Excuse me, are you worried about prosecutors or investigators coming after you??" They'd probably look at you like you're crazy and say, "Um, why?" Exactly. Why? Why are you so worried about it and why are you so adamant that you don't want any investigations or prosecutors poking around? Are you scared about what the authorities might find? I think you are. Clearly. You're only worried if you have something to be worried about. 

Oh yeah, one more thing...who the hell can't keep their story "straight" even so far as whether you're married or not? I mean, I'm single, but I've heard marriage is "hard work." Is it also so hard to simply just "remember your story" and what you're going on and whether you're simply married or not? Because, here's the thing about going to Court. They have these things called "transcripts" and stuff where your every word is recorded and transcribed and stuff like that. So, all of your little Freudian slips are memorialized forever and your FRAUD and CRIMINALITY starts to get exposed.