Thursday, November 2, 2017

DOJ: Visitor. Escort required. ALSO** Can you bring your therapy-cat to jail?

Does anyone know the rules on bringing a therapy cat to jail on a misdemeanor contempt charge? How long is that? 6-12 months? I mean, I guess I could really really really "show cause," which I'll have to discuss the appropriateness with counsel regarding. Here's the thing, I'm not going to interfere with matters of our national security. Period. I'm just not. If I sense that anything could even come close, I'd rather just take a misdemeanor for the team and then (once again) appeal it to the Fourth, I guess, or however all that works? I don't know anymore. This is all exhausting. I've just wanted this all to go away for a long time, but this wasn't my doing. I dropped criminal charges against the petitioners on July 8th. I was done. Gone. 

You would have to waterboard me before I, in any way, put our national security at risk. There are things I know. Period. Proprietary type "stuff." Legitimately. There just are. There's no getting around that. If I have to get hit on a misdemeanor to protect the FBI / DOJ (story of my f-ing life, trust me), then so be it. It's a "thankless job," let me tell you. I could write a book. Maybe I'll use my 6-12 months to write a book. A really, really, really good book. What about all that stuff I told the police about needing to protect highly sensitive, federal, national security related matters et al. and / or etc.? Hmm, definitely going to need to retain counsel on this misdemeanor business. Out of my league, for sure. Do you think Jayne Weintraub could help me cop a plea or would that constitute a conflict? She's really very good. 

Via the 15th Judicial Circuit computers:

Ugh, me and my silly protecting highly sensitive, federally privileged information. So "paranoid" of me or something, right? Uh huh:

Maybe they'll let me keep my therapy cat? Otherwise, can I get any volunteers to look out for him while I'm gone. Preferably in America and not my fans and avid blog readers in South Korea / Ukraine (though I really appreciate your support and readership?). Not particularly sure why you're following the blog, but hey, as they say "there's no such thing as bad publicity" or "blog readers" I guess? I don't know. 

Anyway, I'll make sure to buy a large supply of kitty litter and cat food while I'm gone and writing my book or whatever. Hopefully I avoid jail, but "hoping" and praying doesn't really do much. The 15th Judicial Circuit isn't a fan of having a jury around or of taking into account your evidence or having unbiased judges or anything like that...I mean the evidence I have is ridiculously overwhelming, but who is even going to see it you know? No evidence. No jury. No nada. No therapy cat? I'd love to take my cat. I can definitely get him cleared for therapy purposes I feel, just not sure what the rules are on that? I've seen documentaries where there are cats in jail and stuff. I'm guessing those are stray "jail cats" or something? Anyway, hopefully I don't find out. 

Maybe this whole "National Freaking Security" business and "Saloor Alim" will help towards showing cause. Anyway, a good lawyer would know. Definitely time to start finding one, I feel. 

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