(Death bed thoughts one day)...Well, I might have to say it was standing up to public corruption, entrenched interests, fraud, and a judicial circuit with no juries, a "no evidence allowed" signed on the door when you walk in, a "no lawyers allowed sign" on the door when you walk in (you'll have a matter of hours after getting served to appear in court in a different city, by the way), and then showing cause for having been stalked by the judge, under the pseudonym Saloor Alim (please find the IP addresses...oh wait, my bad, forgot to read the "no evidence allowed sign" when walking in, and standing up for the number 1 priority of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, while simultaneously protecting the FBI / DOJ (sometimes I question why, but still, I do), and then in a North-Korean-esque Gulag style "hearing" in front of Judge Goodman, a freaking friend and colleague of Judge Coates, this seems fair? (obviously), woops didn't see the hush hush "no jury" sign. Anyway, probably most proud of standing up for the United States of America, because the FBI is absolutely right, this is a fundamental matter of National Security.

We. Have. Lost.

(Music plays) "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows my sorrow..."
?? Maybe I'll be like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank or something??
?? Maybe it might toughen me up a bit a good 6 months for standing up against corruption and fighting the power??
?? Imagine if people stood up to the power in Nazi Germany ??
If these walls fall (below), so does America. Oh wait, they've already fallen. The freaking, gigantic, 2 thousand year-old Roman Empire fell. We are not infallible. My book will have it all that I'll necessarily be writing from my misdemeanor jail stint for standing up to the special interests and corruption and fraud and pubic corruption and national security matters, and for America.
These walls, these pillars, have absolutely, positively crumbled. I have overwhelming proof. But proof doesn't really matter at the 15th Judicial Circuit, (I have proof of that too, but again, this is circular reasoning with my silly "proof theorems"). Maybe I should just hop on the corruption chain, because these walls below, these pillars, this foundation of America...it doesn't really exist. Trust me, I have proof. But proof isn't admissible at the 15th Judicial Circuit. I have proof. Ugh, circular reasoning again.
I'm still waiting for the DOJ to get back to me on the matter of my therapy-cat:
Don't be fooled, this is a mirage. I've seen the "dark side"...the 15th Circuit of Dante's Inferno, Palm Beach, Circuit.
Fat boy. Maybe he can lose weight in jail for fighting against public corruption and fighting for the United States Supreme Court (those walls have crumbled, my bad, forgot again). Tell your story walking, Charlie.

We. Have. Lost.

(Music plays) "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows my sorrow..."
?? Maybe I'll be like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank or something??
?? Maybe it might toughen me up a bit a good 6 months for standing up against corruption and fighting the power??
?? Imagine if people stood up to the power in Nazi Germany ??
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